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Your information

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Date of birth *

A valid date as MM/DD/YYYY (for example: 11/30/2015)
First Name *
Last Name *
Mobile Phone *

For example, 123-456-7890
SMS (text) messaging:
You may opt-in to receive SMS (text) for The Carver, Inc. volunteer activities, including shift reminders and cancellations.

To opt-out, reply STOP to any SMS message OR update the SMS opt-in setting in your profile.
Home Phone
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Background screen process
For the safety of our staff, program participants and volunteers a background screen is processed for all volunteers. Your SSN will be removed from your application as soon as the screen is completed.
Social security number *
Gender (at birth) *
Have you previously volunteered at The Carver *
If yes, please provide date(s) and location (s)
Do you have any pending charges, or have you ever plead guilty or been convicted of a crime, felony, disorderly personal offense, public indecency, drunk driving offense, or any other violation of law? *
If Yes, please explain *
Education *

High school: Name and location
Trade or Business: Name and location
College: Name and location
Other: Name and location
Course of study
Area of Interest: *


Volunteer History
Please provide the following information about your past and current volunteer assignments,
starting with the most recent.
Please list organizations that you have been involved with as a volunteer.
Please provide us with two character or professional references (Name, email, phone)

Code of Conduct

Child Abuse Prevention
Because of its concern for the welfare of children and youth, the Carver has developed policies, standards, guidelines, and training to aid in the detection and prevention of child abuse. Child abuse is the mistreatment or neglect of a child by parent(s) or others resulting in injury or harm. Abuse can lead to severe emotional, physical, and behavioral problems. This is also why volunteers are screened and undergo criminal background checks upon engagement or re-engagement of volunteering at the Carver. The Carver also offers training sessions on identifying, reporting, and preventing child abuse.
1. To protect Carver staff, volunteers, and program members, at no time during a Carver program may a staff person or volunteer be alone with a single child where he or she cannot be observed by others. As staff supervise children, they should space themselves in such a way that other staff can see them.
2. You shall not leave a child unsupervised.
3. Restroom supervision: Only staff are permitted to accompany/supervise children in the restroom.
4. You shall not abuse children in any way, including:
 physical abuse—striking, spanking, shaking, slapping; and so on;
 verbal abuse—humiliating, degrading, threatening; and so on;
 sexual abuse—touching or speaking inappropriately;
 mental abuse—shaming, withholding kindness, being cruel, and so on; or
 neglect—withholding food, water, or basic care.
No type of abuse will be tolerated and may be cause for immediate dismissal.
5. You must use positive techniques of guidance, including redirection, positive reinforcement, and encouragement rather than competition, comparison, and criticism. You will have age-appropriate expectations and set up guidelines and environments that minimize the need for discipline. Physical restraint is not permitted by volunteers.
6. You will respond to children with respect and consideration and treat all children equally regardless of sex, race, sexual orientation, religion, culture, economic level of the family, or disability.
7. You will refrain from intimate displays of affection toward others in the presence of children, parents, and staff.
8. You are not to transport children in your vehicles or allow youth participants old enough to drive to transport younger children in the program.
9. You must present to service in clean, neat, and appropriate clothing.
10. Using, possessing, or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs during service hours is prohibited.
11. Smoking or use of tobacco in the presence of children or parents during service hours is prohibited.
12. Possession or use of any type of weapon or explosive device is prohibited.
13. Using Carver computers to access pornographic sites, send e-mails with sexual overtones or otherwise inappropriate messages, or develop online relationships is not allowed.
14. Profanity, inappropriate jokes, sharing intimate details of one’s personal life, and any kind of harassment in the presence of children, parents, volunteers, or other staff is prohibited.
15. You may not be alone or communicate with children you meet in Carver programs outside the Carver. This includes babysitting, sleepovers, driving or riding in cars, inviting children to their homes, text messaging, or e-mailing.
16. You must be free of physical and psychological conditions that might adversely affect the children’s physical or mental health. If in doubt, an expert should be consulted.
17. You will portray a positive role model for youth by maintaining an attitude of loyalty, patience, courtesy, tact, and maturity.
18. Under no circumstances should volunteers release children to anyone. Seek guidance from Carver staff regarding the dismissal process.
19. You are to report to a supervisor any other employee or volunteer who violates any of the policies listed in this Code of Conduct.
Note: Any violation of this Code of Conduct may result in the termination of your position as a volunteer.
All individuals at the Carver are expected to work actively to maintain an environment that is free from unlawful discrimination and harassment, and to conduct themselves in such a way as to ensure that no illegal discrimination or harassment occurs by employees, or other parties, including members, suppliers, and volunteers.
Harassment includes unsolicited remarks, gestures, or physical contact, display or circulation of written materials or pictures derogatory to either gender or to racial, ethnic, or religious groups. Sexual harassment is a type of harassment that occurs when this type of verbal or physical conduct is sexual in nature or is gender-based; that is, directed at a person because of their gender.
All Carver employees and volunteers are responsible for helping to ensure that harassment is avoided. If you feel that you have experienced or witnessed harassment, you are to immediately notify your supervisor or any manager of the organization.
Social Media Policies
Use of social media
The Carver recognizes the value of online social media (i.e., Facebook) for connecting with members, staff, and volunteers. However, to ensure we maintain a values-oriented, positive, professional image, and to protect the safety and privacy of our students and staff, all employees and volunteers must abide by the following expectations when using social media. Failure to follow the guidelines below may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of your role as a volunteer.
Carver social media
• Carver social media pages will be created and maintained by the Development Department ONLY. Designated staff, as assigned by the Development Department, will assist in program specific social media updates.
• No other Carver-related social media pages may be set up by any Carver staff or volunteers.
• Volunteers are not allowed to photograph Carver students without written consent/authorization.
• If you see an unofficial Carver page, please alert the Carver Development Office at info@the-carver.org
Friending in the Carver Community
• Sometimes community members, staff, and volunteers may ask one another to become their "friend" on social media sites. This is allowed, but employees and volunteers must remember they are representing the Carver and refrain from posting inappropriate content or creating a more limited profile for Carver purposes and reserve their full personal profile for friends and family only.
• You may NOT "friend" ANYONE under 18 on any social media site. This includes staff, volunteers, and members under 18.
• Any photos/videos of your Carver volunteer work must be authorized by the Carver Development Office before being posted online. If you want to publish photos of your volunteer event, please send your photos to info@the-carver.org
• All photos and videos posted must only include students who have signed a photo release.
• All photos and videos posted must tag Carver's social media accounts.
The world of social media is changing rapidly. If in doubt about how this policy applies to new social media sites, please contact the Carver Development Office. The Carver reserves the right to modify this policy at any time.